Article Intro Summary – h3 tags and “more…”

1-2 sentences, needs to be enclosed in <h3> ..intro here..  </h3> tags.  This has to be done in HTML mode

Example from:
<h3> exclusive audio interview with 19-yr-old Mi’kmaq MC/Producer Beaatz from Tobique First Nation out New Brunswick, Canada.</h3>
In this interview, Beaatz talks about being a Hiphop MC and…….

To add the page break, or “More…” link… In HTML mode, put your cursor directly after the closing </h3> tag, and click on the  button labeled “more”

You can also do this in Visual mode, but the button doesn’t look the same…  you need the page break button (icon of a page cut in two) right next the the ABC checkmark button.