Sâkêwêwak Artist’s Collective

For the last year been the Director of the Sâkêwêwak Artist’s Collective, based out of Regina Saskatchewan.

Sâkêwêwak is a Plains Cree word meaning “they are emerging” or “they are coming into view”. During the collective’s formative period, the name was chosen to reflect the community’s vision for an organization that would support the emergence of new artistic practices and support Aboriginal artists in developing projects that meet the challenges of identifying current and historical reference points and exploring contemporary artistic concerns.

During my tenure as Director of the organization, I have been focused on organizational renewal. I’ve overseen the creation of new gallery space, hired a new staff, put together new board of directors, building capacity within organization and guiding board to new policy that reflects current changes and membership.

I was also the Curator for our Distinguished Storytelling Festival 2014 and responsible for overseeing programming of festival and hiring staff and contractors for festival.

To get a better idea of what we’ve been up to at Sâkêwêwak, visit the organizations website, or join us on Facebook